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Dream/Chevron Amethyst Tea Light Candle Holder

Suz E Bee Candles

Regular price $85.00
Dream/Chevron Amethyst Tea Light Candle Holder

Polished top, Dream/Chevron Amethyst Tea Light Candle Holder.


Chevron Amethyst

Stone of Intentions

positivity - clarity - cleansing

Chevron Amethyst enhances our intentions as well as our ability to clearly see our path forward. It dissipates negative energy, cleanses our aura & brings harmony to our lives. It is a wonderful guiding stone, and attracts positivity and clarity combining the enhancing & strengthening qualities of Quartz with the calming and stress relieving qualities of Amethyst. It will protect and calm an overactive mind and is considered to be lucky.

Chevron Amethyst offers spiritual protection and a connection with the Divine, our higher consciousness and our spirit guardians.

Affirmation:  Harmony and clarity fill my being and guide me on my path.

Zodiac :   Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Pisces

Element :  Air, Water

Chakra :   Third eye, Crown

Crystal System :  trigonal

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